
Cymru Community Trust will gladly honour any financial obligations and settle any verified claims lawfully owed by its beneficiaries.

If you have an alleged claim to make against one of our beneficiaries, please follow these guidlines:

Submit Your Claim

Please send your claim and supporting documentation to:

Cymru Community Trust
Apex House
Thomas Street
CF83 8DP

Referencing Paperwork

If you have been given a reference number by a beneficiary or trustee, please ensure you use it in your correspondence.

Failure to use this in your correspondence could result in your claim taking longer than necessary to process.

Fraudulent Claims

Please be advised that the Trustees of Cymru Community Trust will pursue remedy where claimants are found to be issuing fraudulent and unlawful claims against the Trust’s beneficiaries.

Claimants will be held culpable for any damages suffered by the beneficiaries and will be liable to pay any agreed fee schedules.